對於Genesis倒了的傳聞.終於不用在解釋了.人家原本只是遷廠可賀之事.卻變成可惜的倒閉. 果真要打擊一個品牌是多麼容易.
lssue Eight 2010
NEW Genesis production facility
I'm very happy to announce that the production of Genesis amplifiers has now begun at the new facility in
Burton on Trent. A dedicated production area is now set up purely to manufacture Series 3 and profile, and
all the high quality test systems and production equipment is now in place.
The first model down the production line was the Dual Mono, which is rather fitting as it is the direct descen-
dant of the first Genesis Model, the DM200.
Other models are now on the production line to fulfil all the orders we have, and full production of all models
is expected to be in place by the end of this year.
I will still be responsible for ensuring that the highest quality standards are maintained, and as always every
single amplifier will be tested fully before leaving the production facility.
Once the current orders are fulfilled, we plan to build some stock so that small and medium sized orders
can be supplied immediately, and larger orders more quickly.
I will keep you updated as further news is available.
Here are some pictures of the new production facility with Dual mono production underway.